Fred Ross-Perry

Singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Fred Ross-Perry picked up his first musical instrument (a ukulele) at age 9, and never looked back. From there he graduated to cello, but switched to guitar because it was easier to take to parties. Throughout most of his musical life he's concentrated on playing guitar, bass, piano and a variety of other instruments in bands such as No Strings Attached and The Refreshments. More recently he has turned his skills to songwriting. When not writing or playing music Fred works as a software guru.

Cath Ross-Perry

Lyricist Cath Ross-Perry picked up her first musical instrument (a guitar) at age 16, and looked back any number of times. Other people looked at her funny, too. So now she writes lyrics and leaves the playing to others. We won't mention her singing, either. When not writing lyrics Cath is usually reading a book. She also likes to go for walks, especially while reading a book. Professionally, she is a civil rights worker, fighting to eradicate discrimination.

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